

Natural Treatment For Flu

9:50 AM

You will not see many people go to the doctor just because they have a common cold unless this problem is more severe than that. People come with their own way to help deal with the common cold. You will find this drug in many self-care book. There are some very reliable solution with nature, which is certainly an effective way to cure your flu, that is with herbal therapy. Garlic is very effective because it contains a potent antibiotic called allicin. You will get antibiotics when you add garlic in your food or when you take it for granted. You can also take garlic supplements. Make sure you are using enteric coated capsules, and if you do not stand the taste of garlic, it is advisable to buy that has no odor. You can also use juice therapy. Drinking fresh pineapple juice, they contain more vitamin C that will break down mucus better and remember to add it with water.
You can also use therapeutic food. Fruit wines are very good for fighting colds. It detoxifies the liver and is rich in vitamin C. Liver plays a major role in your immune system and detoxification if necessary. Fruit wine will help build immunity and prevent colds. You can also use aromatherapy. Cold symptoms can be relieved by setting a room with a different flavor. It is better to use ravensere or niaouli. They have little aroma of drugs and you have to start using it immediately after you start feeling weak.
There is no single medication for a runny nose. But there are a lot of medication for a runny nose that you can use and you will find most of these drugs are in your kitchen. One is inhaling steam. Beware of inhaling hot steam of boiling water but very helpful. Use salt and water and mix together. Use it as a solution nasal drops and gently blow your nose. This can cause irritation, but very effective. Use a nasal decongestant because it is very effective but should not be overused. Increase fluid intake, decongestants will keep the body hydrated but avoid taking a cold water current. To prevent excessive dryness can use a humidifier. It is very important to know if you are allergic, so you can stay away from it. If this way you can not, then cover your nose.
Flu can be triggered by low temperatures so it is important to keep yourself to keep warm. Avoid the use of air conditioning for a long time when you're having a runny nose. You also can chew ginger to help you cure a runny nose. This will drain the nose to maintain body temperature. If possible, avoid using drugs to prevent and cure a runny nose and colds because they have side effects. Except it has actually lasted longer then it should to be examined by a doctor. But natural remedies and herbs are the best, because not only easily available but also has no side effects and not too expensive. Create natural and herbal medicine is the best choice for use every person. Good luck. . .

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